
From our publications: Structure Revision of Protoaculeine B, a Post-translationally Modified N-Terminal Residue in the Peptide Toxin Aculeine B (10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c01280)

Title: Structure Revision of Protoaculeine B, a Post-translationally Modified N-Terminal Residue in the Peptid …

From our publications: Stereoselective Formation of cis-Trisubstituted 1,3-Dioxanes (10.1246/cl.210241)

Title: Stereoselective Formation of cis-Trisubstituted 1,3-Dioxanes URL: https://doi.org/10.1246/cl.210241 Syn …

From our publications: Menthyl esterification allows chiral resolution for the synthesis of artificial glutamate analogs

Title: Menthyl esterification allows chiral resolution for the synthesis of artificial glutamate analogs URL: …

2020年度の取り組み (#2/2)

Studies on structure of protoaculeine B, an N-terminal structure of marine peptide toxin aculeine B 沖縄産の海綿より単離 …

2020年度の取り組み (#1/2)

Studies on enantiospecific synthesis, structural analysis, and neuronal activity of an artificial glutamate an …

2019年度の取り組み (#2/2)

Divergent syntheses of new artificial glutamate analogs 中枢神経シナプス後終末にてイオンチャネル型グルタミン酸受容体(iGluR)は興奮性の神経伝達を担っている。i …

2019年度の取り組み (#1/2)

Studies on synthesis and biological function of aculeine B, a peptide–polyamine hybrid marine toxin Aculeine B …

From our publications: 神経活性化合物の開発を可能にしたsp3骨格のハイブリッド戦略 (10.5059/yukigoseikyokaishi.78.292)

Title: 神経活性化合物の開発を可能にしたsp3骨格のハイブリッド戦略 URL: https://doi.org/10.5059/yukigoseikyokaishi.78.292 本論文の構成 イオンチャネル型グル …

From our publications: CAMP and TAMP: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation (10.1246/bcsj.20190168)

Title: Four Stereoisomers of 2–Aminomethyl–1–cyclopropanecarboxylic Acid: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation …

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